While we are back to operating our normal business hours, we have made a few changes to the office:

The office is open by appointment only. Please call or text the office ahead of time to schedule a time to come into the office.

Face masks are recommended, but not required. We have masks available if you don’t have one.

If you are experiencing any COVID-19 symptoms, please call or text the office to reschedule your appointment.

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Meet Our Doctor

Meet the experienced and friendly doctor who makes Keene Eye Care the leading provider of vision care products and services in Keene.

Dr. Tracy Roettiger, O.D.

Roettiger web shot1Dr. Roettiger moved to Cheshire County upon completion of a country-wide tour of internships in places as varied as the Indian Health Services in Bethel, Alaska, as well as a few locations on the East Coast like a practice in Fairfield Connecticut, the VA Hospital in Leeds, Massachusetts, and The Dorchester House Community Health Center just outside of Boston. Before taking the reins from Dr. Wyman at Keene Eye Care, Dr. Roettiger spent many years both in private practice and with a surgical center that specialized in LASIK and cataract surgeries.

When she’s not explaining how to protect and treat your eyes like the amazing superstars they are, she can be found trotting around the countryside and jumping over stone walls on one of her horses, or helping her husband, Tim run their Belgian Mare Brewery and Farm in East Alstead, NH, where they have lived for over a decade.